
28 December, 2011

Sitecore DMS Installation

Sitecore Digital Marketing Suite unifies web content management, analytics and marketing automation for faster conversions. You’ll be able to easily track and understand the impact of your Digital campaigns, develop profiles, personalize content dynamically and take action with analytics immediately. This breakthrough solution enables your team to get better results without the complexity, time and costs of multiple third party tools.

Features of DMS:

•        Which search engines did the visitor use?
•        What Network location did the hit come from?
•        What hostname did the visitor hit?
•        Which search words did the visitor search for, when coming to my site?
•        How many page hits have I had?
•        How many unique visitors have I had?
•        Which countries/cities do my visitors come from?
•        What sites are referring my site and therefore generating visitors for me?

Sitecore DMS Installation
Installation steps - DMS

Once all the system requirements are met, Sitecore can be installed in the server. Following are the steps involved in installing DMS in the Unified setup:

1.      Unzip the package:

2.      Open SQL Server Management Studio, right click Databases, and click Attach.

3.      Attach window opens, click add.

4.      Click Add, and locate the MDF file.

5.      Locate LDF file and click ok.

6.    Add Connection string entry in web.config.
Open web root folder of Sitecore (<WebsitePath>\Website\App_Config), edit connectionstrings.config using notepad. Add the connection as mentioned below.
<add name="analytics" connectionString="user id=SitecoreSQLAdmin;password=<PASSWORD>;Data Source=<DATABASESERVER>;Database=Sitecore_Analytics"/>         
7.    Copy Sitecore.Analytics.config and Sitecore.Analytics.ExlcudeRobots.config file to the /App_Config/Include/ folder.

8.    Modify existing layouts and put in a <sc:VisitorIdentification runat="server"/> Web control in the <head> block to enable automatic robot detection.

9.    Restart IIS.


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