
18 August, 2013

Sitecore: Scheduler Job in Production server with SwitchMasterToWeb.config

One of our requirement is to schedule Sitecore job in Production environment. Most of the production environments will have SwitchMasterToWeb.config configuration to remove any master database traces in the configuration.

      <agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent" method="Run" interval="00:10:00">
        <param desc="database">master</param>
        <param desc="schedule root">/sitecore/system/tasks/schedules</param>

We changed this database configuration to “web” but still the job was not executed on the scheduled time.

To investigate further we used the Sitecore admin configuration page /Sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx. Surprisingly these agent were missing in the output. We analyzed SwitchMasterToWeb configuration and commented the patch configuration to delete these agents. Agent is there in the admin configuration page and job is running on scheduled time.

In SwitchMasterToWeb.config:

      <!--<agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent">
         <patch:delete />
      <agent type="Sitecore.Tasks.DatabaseAgent">
         <patch:delete />

1 comment:

  1. Nehem. appreciate ur knowledge transfer. Pls update ur blog frequently.


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