
25 June, 2021

Sitecore Upgrade - Transferred Sitecore Membership User Password does not work - Possible Reasons

In case if you have migrated the password using Sitecore utility as mentioned here, your migrated password may not work. Some of the steps which are mentioned below may help. 

  1. Check whether the script ran successfully on the current server
    You may need to confirm whether the source and destination server used to migrate the password is correct and also whether the destination server has all the users and password. 

  2. Check the Membership Password hashAlgorithmType
    You may need to check whether the hashAlgorithmType is same in the source and the destination Sitecore instance. You can view it in the web.config file in <membership> node. Attribute name is hashAlgorithmType. For the migrated password to work, destination hashAlgorithmType should be same as source hashAlgorithmType. 

  3. Migration to Sitecore 9.2 with Identity Provider
    In case if the destination server is going to use Siteore Identity Provider to authenticate the Sitecore membership users, then you will need to set the same hashAlgorithmType in Identity server configuration. 

    In the Sitecore ID server, go to \sitecore\Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityServer\Config\identityServer.xml file and set the same hashAlgorithmType which is used in source server in <PasswordHashAlgorithm> tag. Do not forget to recycle the Identity server application pool after this change. 

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