While we (Sitecore Warriors) were working on creating Sitecore CLI extension in Sitecore Hackathon, we came across few errors and I would like to share it in this article.
- Could not locate plugin SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs@4.1.1. Some CLI commands may not function correctly.
To speed up the development and testing the plugin, we can manually place the plugin assembly in /.sitecore/package-cache/nuget/PluginName and add the plugin name in the sitecore.json file.
Possible Reason 1: If the assembly name and plugin name do not match, then we will get this error. Once we set the same name for plugin as well the assembly name, the dotnet sitecore -h command will list the plugin.
Possible Reason 2: If the nuget package or the plugin assembly is not placed inside a folder called plugin, you will get this error.PS C:\Project\Working\CLI> dotnet sitecore -h >> Begin installing NuGet packages: SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs@4.1.1 >>> Skipping NuGet package SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs@4.1.1 because it is already installed. Could not locate plugin SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs@4.1.1. Some CLI commands may not function correctly.
- Plugin does not supported by the current version of the CLI. Please try to update you CLI
Plugin product should be .NET Core project. If the plugin assembly project is created as a Web SDK (Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web) project instead of just an SDK project, CLI will not be able to recognize the plugin. Make sure the project type is Microsoft.NET.Sdk.
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